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Donnalox 说:
2023年4月19日 17:18

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RogerEmorm 说:
2023年4月18日 23:40

Cкoлькo бы yжe эти шaвки из Еsреrіо нe пиcaли o пpeкpacныx oфиcax и нaдeжнocти иx кoмпaний, вce paвнo нe иcпpaвит тoгo фaктa, чтo иx бpoкep мoшeнник! Bбeйтe в Гyгл "yгoлoвныe дeлa пo Еsреrіо в Poccии" и вaм вce cтaнeт пoнятнo, кaк и кoгдa этoт лoxoтpoн cтaл вopoвaть в ocoбo кpyпныx paзмepax! K тoмy жe в нaшeй cтpaнe Esperio тaк жe yжe зacвeчeнo в пoдoбнoм дeлe! Bce этo пpивoдит к лoгичнoмy вывoдy, чтo нaxвaливaниe oфиca и мoшeнничecкиx opгaнизaций этo пpocтo кyплeнный пиpa и peклaмa! He yдивитeльнo чтo кoмпaния пpoдoлжaeт зaмeтaть cлeды! 3дecь жeнa ocтaвлялa oтзыв пapy мecяцeв тoмy, xoтeлa paccкaзaть o тoм c чeм мы cтoлкнyлиcь и пoпытaтьcя нaйти пoддepжкy, oтвeты нa вoпpoc y cтaльныx тaкиx жe жepтв мoшeнничecтвa oc cтopoны кoмпaнии Еsреrіо! Ho yвы, кoнтopa пpoдoлжaeт yдaлять, иcкopeнять вce нaши пoпытки вepнyть cвoи дeньги! Еsреrіо нe вывoдит дeньги co cчeтoв! Этa кoмпaния ecли нe ycпeлa cлить дeньги ceбe в кapмaны (нa oфшopныe cчeтa) вaш дeпoзит, тo пpocтo нe дacт eгo вывecти! Ha пpoтяжeнии yжe двyx лeт мы бopeмcя c ними, yжe двa гoдa пытaeмcя дoбитьcя cпpaвeдливocти, нo пoкa вce бeзpeзyльтaтнo! Пoтoмy вce чтo мы мoжeм ceйчac этo нe дaть этим aфepиcтaм пpивлeкaть нoвыx жepтв pacкpывaя иcтиннyю цeль paбoты кoнтop Еsреrіо!
2 days ago
Назар Устименко
3дpaвcтвyйтe! Пpивлeкли мeня к coтpyдничecтвy в мae 2016 гoдa. Bлoжилcя, 2500$. Чepeз мecяц ocтaлocь 1000$. Пpeдлoжили дoбaвить, oткpыли дpyгoй cчёт. Дoбaвлял нecкoлькo paз, вceгo eщё 2500$. B aпpeлe 2017 гoдa вcё cлили. Пoчти вce cдeлки oткpывaлиcь пo нacтoятeльнoй peкoмeндaции нacтaвникa. Oчeнь плoxoй бpoкep Еsреrіо, aктивныe Пpoфeccиoнaльныe мeнeджepы Eфимoв Юpий Baлeнтинoвич, пpoфeccиoнaльный тpeйдep Бaзaнoвa Baлepий Гeopгиeвич пo peкoмeндaции пepвoгo пpoфeccиoнaльнo cлил пoчти $20000 и зaтeм cлилиcь caми, пycть им бyдeт тaк жe вeceлo, кaк ocтaвлeннoмy ими пeнcиoнepy бeз жилья и cpeдcтв к cyщecтвoвaнию? Я дoлгoe вpeмя пытaлcя yпopнo выбить cвoe, нo Еsреrіо нe вывoдит дeньги, нe пoд кaким либo пpeдлoгoм или дaвлeниeм! У мeня зa гoд, ничeгo нe вышлo! Я пepeпpoбoвaл мнoгo вapиaнтoв и дaжe c пoлициeй к ним пpиxoдил, oни пo дoкyмeнтaм чиcты! Пpишлocь тoлькo пpизнaть чтo был глyп, cтaл жepтвoй aфepиcтoв и мoшeнникoв и пoдapил этим твapям вce cвoи cбepeжeния!
2 days ago
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2 months ago
Тоже пострадал от мошеннических действий этого псевдоброкера. Потерял на его платформе 4800 баксов. Даже подумать не мог, что когда-то влезу в такое Г****. Они тупо заблочили мой акк сразу после пополнения. Я даже ни одной сделки заключить не успел! Знакомый посоветовал обратиться в, сказал что ему ребята помогли вернуть деньги. Благо хоть квитанцию о переводе сохранил. Подам заявку, надеюсь помогут!!!!
8 months ago
Читаю отзывы на сайтах и всех так хвалят эту контору. Я лично не могу вывести деньги и все. Меня водят за нос уже 2 недели. Не дают и все. А отзывы все заказные, чтобы больше людей велось на все это!!!!!Самый обычный развод, не верьте ни единому их слову!!!!!
8 months ago
Мое сотрудничество с Esperio началось недавно и за этот короткий промежуток времени я поняла, что столкнулась с лохотроном(((( Жаль, что я вовремя на задумалась об обещанных этих бонусах, что ни одна солидная компания не позволит себе платить такие деньги. Бонусы поступили на счет, все четко. А делает это знаете для чего? Чтобы требовать потом деньги за вывод. Когда я подала заявку, мне сказали, что бонусные и основыне деньги якобы перемешались и чтобы их вывести нужно внести на счет еще 800 баксов. Я сказала пускай забирают свои деньги обратно и вернут мои, на что мне сказали такова политика и сделать они ничего не могут…..Обидно, развели как лохушку((((

kig 说:
2023年4月18日 21:20

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Oscarenaro 说:
2023年4月18日 14:39

<p><h2><a href="" title="sinbad mixer">sinbad mixer</a></h2></p> <p><a href="" title="sinbad bitcoin mixer">sinbad bitcoin mixer</a> is unique in the sense that it offers support for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. The site does not require registration and has a minimum deposit requirement of 0.2 BTC. Transaction fees range from 2 – 5% depending on the amount that is being transferred. There is no referral program offer for sinbad mixer and multiple addresses are not supported. Finally, letters of guarantee are not provided.</p> <p><h2>Best bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>How it works: you fill in the whole amount of the resource account and the Best bitcoin mixer system divides it into small amounts and distributes them to different wallets, mixing them with the coins of other clients or with bitcoins taken on a foreign cryptocurrency exchange, you also get them in small portions to your wallet already washed. This process increases the anonymity of your coins. Features of the service: The main difference between this server is that it has 2 different mixing modes. Cleaning is carried out automatically.In one of the modes, pure BTC is received through foreign cryptocurrency exchanges. Guarantees with PGP signatures are used. Low and high minimum and maximum entry thresholds from 0.001 BTC to 50 BTC. The mixing procedure takes up to 6 hours. Note that there are services that offer to wait 1-2 days. Registration on this platform is not required. Cleaning is carried out automatically. Data encryption is practiced. At the time of writing, Best bitcoin mixer is one of the best BTC mixing services out there. We definitely recommend it.</p> <p><h2>BTC mixer</h2></p> <p>BTC mixer is another one that requires consideration. It supports Bitcoin cryptocurrency bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.001 BTC and the transaction fee is 4–5%. It supports multiple addresses of 2 or custom options and requires confirmation. No registration is required and it does not offer a referral program. Letter of guarantee is offered.</p> <p><h2>TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS</h2></p> <p>Being honest, this isn’t the most feature-rich or control-rich TOP 10 BITCOIN MIXERS mixer that’s available out there. However, it still averages mixes over 700Bitcoin/day (claimed, not verified). The coins are claimed to be sourced from mining pools in the U.S, China and Europe. Obviously they do not keep any logs. Unfortunately, only 1 output address is allowed which is a bit of a downer. The time-delay can fully be set manually. It can be as low as 0 hours, or as high as 48 hours. Any other delay between this frame can be set using the provided slider. The fee isn’t randomized, neither is it user-controlled. It’s set at a solid 0.1% for all transactions. Accepts a minimum Bitcoin deposit of 0.010BTC. Maximum funds which can be currently mixed stand at 677 BTC. Number of required confirmations depend on the amount. Only 1 is required for mixes below 2.5BTC. For 25 BTC it needs 3 confirmations. 4 confirmations for 40BTC and 5 confirmations for 50 BTC are required respectively. Doesn’t require registrations.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>Bitcoin mixer is a btc shuffle service needed to hide your transfers in the bitcoin world. Bitcoin mixer currently has a minimum withdrawal threshold of 0.03500000 BTC, so users are advised to deposit more than the entry threshold plus commission, otherwise they will not be able to withdraw funds. The client is asked to set 5 exit addresses. If for some reason, even after a delay of two hours, the user’s balance is not updated, the mixer can contact the support service to take action. For customers who have been inactive for several days, it can take up to 15 minutes after logging in before you see outstanding deposits. Transaction histories are automatically deleted within 1 week after that. The program runs on a dedicated server that is openly connected via the Internet (you don’t need to do this when using the Tor browser). The Bitcoin mixer is launched on another machine, all suspicious activity is monitored, and the website is automatically protected in case of any indication that it is under DDoS attack.</p>

SamuelJap 说:
2023年4月18日 12:28


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Anthonynarve 说:
2023年4月18日 11:36

<p><h2><a href="" title="Bitcoin Laundry">Bitcoin Laundry</a></h2></p> <p>Grams itself is a brand on the Darknet so I believe not much needs to be said about it. Grams Helix is one of its subsidiaries and is one of the most reputed and widely used <a href="" title="Ethereum mixer">Ethereum mixer</a> services out there, it’s simple, modern, and definitely trustworthy. Grams supports only Bitcoins for now. It needs 2 confirmations before it cleans and sends you your coins. It obviously supports time-delay, but it’s automatically set to “2 hours” for some reasons. It also supports “Random transactions” for the deposit, the deposit address changes after each transaction and allows you to send more than 1 transactions to Grams Helix instead of sending in all your coins in a single go. The same is also supported for the “output addresses” (where you receive coins) and you can input as many as 5 different BTC addresses where your coins are sent after cleaning them. The coin-deposit address is valid for 8 hours, and any transaction not done within these 8 hours won’t be received by the platform.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>Bitcoin tumbler is unique in the sense that it offers support for both Bitcoin and Ethereum. The site does not require registration and has a minimum deposit requirement of 0.2 BTC. Transaction fees range from 2 – 5% depending on the amount that is being transferred. There is no referral program offer for Bitcoin tumbler and multiple addresses are not supported. Finally, letters of guarantee are not provided.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>Bitcoin tumbler is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.</p> <p><h2>Best bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>Best bitcoin mixer supports Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrencies bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.001 BTC and the transaction fee is 0.5% plus 0.0001BTC for each Extra Address. It supports multiple addresses of up to 5 and requires confirmation from 2 till 30. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program. Thus, one needs to wisely choose bitcoin scramblers based on their reliability and user base. All the online transactions come with some percentages of risk. But if you use one of the listed crypto mixers, it will clean your coins in a much better way.</p> <p><h2>BTC mixer</h2></p> <p>Another solid Bitcoin Tumbler option, BTC mixer requires a minimum deposit of 0.01 BTC to be made but makes up for this with a lower transaction fee of 2% coupled with a 0.0004 BTC network fee. Support for multiple addresses and customer options is provided with users required to provide confirmation for only 1 address. While there is no referral program available, BTC mixer does offer users with a letter of guarantee for their peace of mind.</p>

Jeffreyshido 说:
2023年4月18日 09:44

<p><h2><a href="" title="coinmixer">coinmixer</a></h2></p> <p>This platform can work not only as a toggle switch, but also as a swap, that is, you can clear your coins and change the cryptocurrency to another when withdrawing, which further increases anonymity. As a Bitcoin mixer, this platform provides the ability to set a custom commission: the higher the commission, the better the privacy. There is also a time delay option that increases the level of anonymity by delaying the transaction by 24 hours. The service has an impressive supply of coins, so your transactions are made instantly, as soon as confirmation of the receipt of coins arrives, unless you manually set time delays. The minimum deposit is 0.01 BTC per transaction. Any smaller amount is also accepted, but is considered a “donation” and is not returned to <a href="" title="Bitcoin Laundry">Bitcoin Laundry</a> customers. Finally, they also have a no log policy.</p> <p><h2>Best btc mixer</h2></p> <p>Best btc mixer works by removing the link between your old and current addresses. Since the mixer destroys any connection between them, your traces of transactions and your identity become untraceable. The main advantage is the low commission. Bitcoin Laundry is a donation platform. They charge no service fees, only a transaction fee of 0.0002 BTC to the exit address, while transactions from 0.0005 to 38 BTC are supported. You can set 5 addresses and specify what percentage of the total amount will be returned to each address. You can select predefined or random payment delays for each address, making it even more difficult to track the transaction. Bitcoin Laundry boasts a “no log” retention period policy and also allows users to manually delete logs with just one click if they wish.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin mixing</h2></p> <p>Based on the experience of many users on the Internet, Bitcoin mixing is one of the leading Bitcoin tumblers that has ever appeared. This scrambler supports not only Bitcoins, but also other above-mentioned cryptocurrencies. Exactly this platform allows a user to exchange the coins, in other words to send one type of coins and get them back in another type of coins. This process even increases user’s anonymity. Time-delay feature helps to make a transaction untraceable, as it can be set up to 24 hours. There is a transaction fee of 0.0005 for each extra address.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin tumbler</h2></p> <p>Compared to other Bitcoin tumblers, Bitcoin tumbler stands out from the crowd thanks to the additional anonymity offered. Users are given the option to split and merge coins into different wallets to various addresses. Additionally, Bitcoin tumbler provides support for unlimited addresses and does not require user registration. Although only Bitcoin is supported and there are no referral programs, ChipMixer does not charge users with any service fees. With the option to donate BTCs being made available.</p> <p><h2>BTC mixer</h2></p> <p>What marks BTC mixer out from the crowd is the fact that this crypto mixer is able to process transactions for Bitcoin and Litecoin. There is a minimum deposit requirement for both Bitcoin and Litecoin. The site is able to support a maximum of 5 multiple addresses with confirmation required for all addresses. No site registration is required and there is a referral program in place. Additionally, BTC mixer can provide clients with a letter of guarantee.</p>

GerardKic 说:
2023年4月18日 09:44

<p><h2><a href="" title="Ethereum mixer">Ethereum mixer</a></h2></p> <p>This <a href="" title="Bitcoin Laundry">Bitcoin Laundry</a> also supports Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin bearing no logs policy. It requires a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC, 0.01 BCH, 0.1 ETH, 1 LTC, and the transaction fee is 0.5% plus 0.0005 for each extra address. It supports multiple addresses of up to 10 and requires confirmation from 1 to 50. No registration is required and it does offer a referral program. Also, it comes with a letter of guarantee.</p> <p><h2>Best bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>Best bitcoin mixer bitcoin mixer is one of the few that allows large-volume transactions. The minimum size for a mixing operation is 0.001 BTC, any amount below this level is considered a donation and is not sent back to the client, there is no maximum transfer limit. The minimum commission is 0.5% with an additional fee of 0.0005 BTC for each incoming transaction. During the transaction, you will receive a letter of guarantee, as in all previously mentioned mixers.</p> <p><h2>Best crypto mixer</h2></p> <p>And last but not least, there is a coin mixer with a number of cryptocurrencies to tumbler named Best crypto mixer. At the moment, there are three currencies and Ethereum is going to be represented in future. This mixer offers a very simple user-interface, as well as the opportunity to have control over all steps of the mixing process. A user can select a delay not just by hours, but by the minute which is very useful. The tumbler gives the opportunity to use a calculator to understand the amount of money a user finally receives. The service fee is from 1 % to 5 % with fees for extra addresses (0.00045529 BTC, 0.01072904 LTC, and 0.00273174 BCH). Having funds from different resources helps the crypto mixer to keep user’s personal information undiscovered. This last mixer does not offer its users a Letter of Guarantee.</p> <p><h2>Best crypto mixer</h2></p> <p>Best crypto mixer is an extremely basic mixer. It allows only 1 output address to be specified. The UI too is extremely simple and doesn’t feature any sliders or calculators. Users simply enter their output address and receive the funds as simple as that. The minimum mix amount is 0.001BTC while the maximum is 100BTC. Amounts out of these limits will not be mixed. Users have no control on the fee and it’s randomized between 0.5% and 1%. An additional 0.0005 BTC miner fee also exists. The time-delay too (if any) isn’t user controlled and the mixer sends out funds at its own pace. Its working infrastructure seems to differ from other mixers out there. While most other mixers have a “reserve”, this platform seems to use miners. The unclean coins are sent to “miners”, and the clean coins too are claimed to be sent out from “miners”. It however doesn’t keep any logs and all information is deleted once a transaction is complete.</p> <p><h2>Bitcoin mixer</h2></p> <p>In the past, Bitcoin mixer was one of the most popular Bitcoin mixers available in the cryptocurrency world. The first of its kind, this bitcoin mixer was shut down temporarily before returning to limited service. Nowadays, Bitcoin mixer is primarily used to facilitate anonymous individual transactions.</p>

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RonaldHen 说:
2023年4月15日 18:53

Howdy my name is MATT D'AGATI.
Solar technology has grown to become probably one of the most promising and sought-after sourced elements of clean, renewable energy in modern times. This will be due to its numerous benefits, including cost benefits, energy efficiency, in addition to positive impact it offers in the environment. In this article, we shall discuss the advantages of choosing solar power in homes and businesses, the technology behind it, and just how it could be implemented to increase its benefits.

One of many advantages of choosing solar technology in homes may be the financial savings it gives. Solar panel systems are designed for generating electricity for your house, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional sourced elements of energy. This will probably end in significant savings on the monthly energy bill, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. In addition, the expense of solar energy panels and associated equipment has decreased significantly over time, rendering it less expensive for homeowners to buy this technology.

Another advantage of using solar technology in homes may be the increased value it could provide towards the property. Homes which have solar energy panels installed are usually valued more than homes that don't, while they offer an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly replacement for traditional energy sources. This increased value could be an important benefit for homeowners who are seeking to sell their home as time goes by.

For businesses, some great benefits of using solar power are numerous. One of the primary benefits is cost benefits, as businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs by adopting solar power. In addition, there are many different government incentives and tax credits offered to companies that adopt solar power, which makes it a lot more affordable and cost-effective. Furthermore, businesses that adopt solar energy can benefit from increased profitability and competitiveness, as they are viewed as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient.

The technology behind solar power is not at all hard, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity can then be kept in batteries or fed straight into the electrical grid, according to the specific system design. So that you can maximize the advantages of solar technology, you should design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your specific energy needs and requirements. This can ensure that you have just the right components in position, such as the appropriate quantity of solar energy panels plus the right variety of batteries, to increase your energy efficiency and value savings.

One of many important aspects in designing a custom solar power system is comprehending the different sorts of solar panel systems and their performance characteristics. There are 2 main forms of solar energy panels &amp;#8211; monocrystalline and polycrystalline &amp;#8211; each having its own benefits and drawbacks. Monocrystalline solar power panels are made of an individual, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more effective and sturdy. However, they're also more expensive than polycrystalline panels, that are made of multiple, lower-quality crystals.

Along with solar energy panels, a custom solar power system will even include a battery system to keep excess energy, as well as an inverter to convert the stored energy into usable electricity. It is critical to choose a battery system this is certainly effective at storing the amount of energy you'll need for the specific energy needs and requirements. This can make certain you have a trusted source of power in case of power outages or any other disruptions to your time supply.

Another advantageous asset of using solar power may be the positive impact it offers regarding the environment. Solar power is on a clean and renewable power source, producing no emissions or pollutants. This makes it a perfect replacement for traditional sourced elements of energy, such as fossil fuels, that are a significant contributor to polluting of the environment and greenhouse gas emissions. By adopting solar power, homeowners and businesses can really help reduce their carbon footprint and subscribe to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

To conclude, the many benefits of using solar technology both in homes and companies are numerous and should not be overstated. From cost benefits, energy efficiency, and increased property value to environmental impact and technological advancements, solar technology provides a variety of advantages. By understanding the technology behind solar power and designing a custom system tailored to specific energy needs, you can easily maximize these benefits and also make a positive impact on both personal finances in addition to environment. Overall, the adoption of solar technology is an intelligent investment for a sustainable and bright future.

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